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Monday 12 September 2016

You're Hired- Will the US take Trump to the White House?

courtesy of google images
Entrepreneur and infamous business tycoon Donald Trump has made himself a household name in the US. His empire consists of  vast acquisitions of real estate in the US which include the well known Trump Towers in New York City in addition to other business ventures in sport, beauty agents, and even a short lived University named Trump University LLC.  He is a also a television personality appearing on 14 successful seasons of the US version of The Apprentice and and earned himself a star on the Hollywood walk of fame for his contribution to media and entertainment.

All in all Donald Trump has made it and achieved what many US citizens aspire to- 'The American Dream'. Being the successful business man and having earned his respect in the US for his business acumen in commercial and domestic real estate, Donald trump frequently made his views regarding US culture and politics known through television appearances and  interviews as well as expressing his opinions on social media platforms like Twitter. The outspoken businessman toyed with the idea of entering into US politics and becoming candidate for US President , but never formerly put in his bid in for any presidential races. However on 16th  June 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy to become US president and pledged to 'Make America Great Again' by focusing on issues such as immigration, jobs, healthcare reform, US Armed forces and the role of Islamic State.

News of his candidacy met with ridicule and criticism on whether the business magnet had what it takes make it in the white house, but so far Donald Trump has managed to gain support especially with his views on immigration which saw him promise to build a wall which keeps illegal immigrants out and a door within the wall to allow  the flow of legal immigrants into to the country. Working class Americans have also found hope in his promise to put America First by going back to old school trades such as mining, engineering, building  and shipping which  he believes will make the American Economy strong and powerful.

To date Trump has managed to raise £127 million dollars in campaign finance and despite democratic opponent  Hilary Clinton labeling his voters as 'deplorables', he seems to be gaining a lead in the polls to becoming president, as he currently 4 points ahead of Clinton's 42 points in Florida state and 15 points ahead in Utah with both candidates currently tied in the overall general election.

Further news reports emerging in relation to Clinton's current health condition, earlier this week, have only raised questions regarding her capability to run for US  President as she was diagnosed with Pneumonia following a televised tumble of her being escorted to her vehicle.

Trump expressed his well wishes for the democratic candidate stating he takes no satisfaction in hearing of Clinton's ill health. However he has previously commented on her ability to run for president throwing her  physical and mental strength and stamina ability into question.  Both candidates have kept details regarding their health condition fairly private, however  Trump has pledged to release details regarding his health following Clinton's health scare and told Fox news he thinks the results are going to be good as he feels 'great'.

Time will tell as the candidates battle it out for the White House to see who will in the race to become US President. However it seems Hilary Clinton's health woes have only served as further ammunition for Donald Trump to use in his bid for the presidential seat and as the election draws closer with the results becoming neck and neck, one is left to ponder will the United States of America actually vote Trump?


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