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Monday 14 November 2016

You're Hired part 2....Trump Takes Over the White House

Its official, on November 8 2016, Donald John Trump, won the election to become the 45th president of the United States.  His campaign lasted over a year and involved a heavily televised battle with Democrat opponent Hilary Clintion.... To be continued 

Monday 3 October 2016

Keeping up with Kim Kardashian- Reality TV Star Robbed in Paris

Courtesy of www.lifeandstylemag.com
Kim Kardashian West returned to the US this evening, landing in New York, after what can only be described as a traumatic ordeal for the reality tv star.

This morning we learned she was robbed at gunpoint in her luxury apartment in Paris as she was targeted by a gang of five robbers disguised as police officers who are reported to have stolen over £8.5 million worth of her jewellry.

The thieves broke in around 2:30 am Monday Morning and are described to have tied and gagged  Kim Kardashian West, locking her in the bathroom whilst they made off with millions of pounds worth of her jewellery.

Fortunately she is reported to have come away from the ordeal badly shaken, but was left physically unharmed.

Parisian police are said to be hunting down the five thieves who reportedly gained entry into the star's apartment by forcing their way into the residence, first by handcuffing the concierge and then demanding the overnight security to show them to the reality tv star's apartment.

They are then said to have stolen a jewellry box worth £5.24 million pounds along with a ring worth over £3.5 million, which is thought to have been an engagement ring that husband Kayne West gifted to her.

Kim Kardashian West is one of the biggest names in Reality TV appearing regularly in Keeping Up with the Kardashians with her family. She has also appeared in other successful reality tv spin offs such as Kim and Kourtney take New York and Kourtney and Kim take Miami. 

She first came into the spotlight as best friend and associate of wealthy socialite Paris Hilton. However she also owes much of her fame to the popularity of a leaked sex tape which featured R'n'B singer Ray J who was her boyfriend just before the tape leaked.

Since breaking her way into the Hollywood scene, Kim Kardarshian West along with her family have been a regular presence in the media and have kept people talking by allowing their personal lives to unfold before our eyes via our television screens. So far we've  witnessed Kim Kardashian West marry  basketball player Kris Humpries and then file for divorce in a period of just 72 days. She then entered her third marriage with  hip hop mogul Kayne West- which resulted in the popular moniker for the couple- 'KimYe'

The reality star was attending Paris Fashion week, whilst husband Kayne West was in New York performing at Meadow Music and Art Festival when the robbery took place. On the evening of the robbery, she went to a Balenciaga and Givenchy Fashion show and later went out to dinner with some friends.

The night before the robbery, Kardashian West posted a video on social media platform SnapChat which happened to feature her 15 carat Lorraine Schwatrz engagement ring, which her husband bought as a replacement to her previous ring.  A few nights before that she also showed off golden and diamond grills which she wore to match a golden dress. The grills were custom made by French Jewerlly designer Dolly Cohen whose pieces are thought to be all custom designed.

So it comes as no surprise that many people are not so sympathetic towards the Keeping Up with Kardashians star upon finding out she was robbed, as she was hardly modest when it came to flaunting her wealth. In fact she was quite the opposite.

Nonetheless being robbed is undoubtedly a terrifying and traumatic experience, much worse being robbed at gunpoint. So whilst speculation arises as whether the reality star may have encouraged the robbery by showing off expensive possessions on social media, I think we can all agree it can't have been nice for the reality star to be robbed in Paris.


Monday 26 September 2016

The European Migrant Crisis- Welcome to the Jungle

Courtesy of  google images
Today French President Francois Hollande announced plans to demolish the migrant camps situated in Calais, the port city in Northern France, by the end of year.

There are currently between 7000 and 10,000 migrants living in the Camp which is otherwise known as 'The Jungle'. Conditions are poor and violence is believed to have broken out as migrants become desperate in their attempts to hitch onto lorries entering the UK via the English Channel.

Immigration has become a topical issue on the EU agenda, as European Countries have struggled to deal with the large influx of migrants coming from countries mostly in the Middle East and Africa.

In 2015, it was estimated that over a million immigrants crossed into Europe and the figures for net migration into the UK stood at 180,000 in March 2016.

Many migrants make their voyage within the EU, with camps of refugees now residing in Greece, Hungary, Germany and France. Although the common goal of most migrants is to reach the UK.

Such large numbers of refugees seeking asylum within the EU has put pressure on  European leaders to make key decisions on how best to contain the crisis whilst figuring how to assist those genuinely seeking asylum. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, called on other European countries to assist in taking more migrants, as approximately 1.1 million migrants entered Germany alone last year and stated: "In view of the many refugees who are already with us, other EU countries will have to jump in."

French president Francois Hollande pledged to open reception centres which will look to accommodate roughly 9000 refugees,  but he too stressed the importance of the help required from other EU countries stating the UK needs to play its part.

There has been minor success in the efforts to reduce the numbers of refugee camps within the EU, as the number of people residing in 'the jungle' at Calais is reported to have been halved earlier this year. Although this has not been without tragedy, as there is a death toll of over 3000 migrants attempting to make the treacherous journey into the UK. So far the youngest death was recorded last week with a 14 year old boy killed in a hit and run accident whilst trying to cross the border to the UK on a lorry.

Nonetheless Hollande's decision to close the camp by the end of this year is just one of many decisions that will need to be made in an attempt to the control the crisis. So far his plans include building a wall spanning 0.6 miles, which will receive UK funding, to prevent stowaways from crossing the border into the UK by hiding underneath lorries. Costs for this wall have not yet been confirmed, but work is reported to have begun on it last week.

The migrant crisis certainly raises questions in regards to the treatment immigrants receive when entering the UK and other EU countries and there are many challenges regarding the measures that should be taken to exercise the proper checks and controls when deciding who should receive entry and who should not. Time will tell as world leaders come together to decide on how best to contain the crisis.  However I can guess today's news of the closure of the camps at Calais may not be received most favorably by those who currently living there, as many of them could possibly face deportation back to their respective countries and hopes of a better life may prove hopeless. Undoubtedly these migrants have a challenging time ahead of them and the next few months in the jungle will most likely not be all fun and games.


Monday 19 September 2016

The Cosby Trial- Will the Courts convict Comedian Bill Cosby?

Courtesy of google images
On 5th June 2017, Bill Cosby  is expected to face criminal  trial for sexual assault. News reports state prosecutors are pushing for at least 13 women to come forward to testify against the disgraced comedian with the judge allowing a phone call between Mr Cosby and an accuser's mother to be used as evidence.

With the trial less than a year away, many are wondering what fate awaits the Emmy Award winning actor who became a household name in the entertainment industry with shows like Fat Albert, The Bill Cosby show and the family friendly Cosby Show. However despite a looming trial ahead for Bill Cosby with over 60 women estimated to have come forward in relation to sexual assault charges, one thing is certain, Bill Cosby successfully broke down barriers of racial and cultural prejudices in American entertainment and made a mark in US History by becoming one of the most prolific and celebrated African American entertainers of all time.

William Henry Cosby Jr was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Anna Pearl and William Henry Cosby Sr on 12th July 1937 and was one of four sons. He was an athlete and was head of both the baseball and track and field teams in high school as well as being class president. Although he was a gifted athlete, he spoke of being the class clown and teachers often described him as such.

Cosby dropped out of high school after failing the tenth grade and after a brief stint in a shoe shop, he enlisted in the US Navy. He managed to finish his high school education by completing a series of correspondence courses which were equivalent to a high school diploma. He went on to study Physical Education at Temple University, and after realizing his talent for humour and making people laugh, he pursued a career in comedy.

He started out with a series of comedy albums which earned him several Grammy awards and later landed his first leading role on television in 1965, starring in the espionage adventure series I Spy. The show was a hit and earned him three consecutive Emmy awards for Outstanding Lead Actor in a drama series.  By then, Cosby had established himself as an actor and comedian performing stand up comedy routines as well appearing on prime time TV. The success of his career continued with shows like Fat Albert  and the Bill Cosby show,  but the show that earned him worldwide acclaim was The Cosby Show where Cosby played Dr Heathliciffe Huxtable, a funny, yet lovable, Obstetrician with his wife and family of five kids . The show premiered on  20th September 1984 and  ran for eight seasons.TV Guide named it the hit show of the eighties and it is often credited for reviving the sitcom genre as well as paving the way for other shows featuring a mostly African American cast.

Following the success of the Cosby Show, Bill Cosby went on to work in television  projects  and attempted to revive the success of the Cosby show with a new show named 'Cosby' in 1996. However after four seasons, the show was cancelled in 2000. Although very much involved in television projects and other entertainment ventures Cosby's television appearances became less frequent and his involvement in the sitcom genre slowly faded.

It seemed as if Cosby would have a graceful exit from his acting career and had solidified his position as a respected entertainer. However in November 2014 at least 11 women came forward with accusations of rape, sexual assault and sexual misconduct in addition to drug facilitated sexual assault. Although this was not the first time the actor faced charges in relation to sexual assault with previous accusations of sexual assault made against him in 2005, with one charge which resulted in a civil lawsuit, where Cosby agreed to an out of court settlement with the claimant.

Nonetheless the accusations made  against him in 2014 were injurious.  Multiple women including supermodel Janice Dickinson came forward stating they were sexually assaulted by the actor, and Cosby's career went into meltdown, with TV networks refusing to air reruns of of the Cosby show, and reports that his agency Creative Artists Agency had dropped him leaving him with no form of representation.

Cosby was formally charged with sexual assault on 30th December 2015 with the judge deeming there was enough evidence for the case to go to trial. Bail was posted at £1 million dollars and the date for his trial set on 6th September 2016.

Cosby is now awaiting  his trial along with many others who feel Cosby should face retribution for the various  accusations made against him.  Although we are nowhere close to reaching a verdict on the accusations made and despite a successful career in entertainment spanning over 30 years, I'm left to wonder will the courts convict the comedian, Bill Cosby?


Monday 12 September 2016

You're Hired- Will the US take Trump to the White House?

courtesy of google images
Entrepreneur and infamous business tycoon Donald Trump has made himself a household name in the US. His empire consists of  vast acquisitions of real estate in the US which include the well known Trump Towers in New York City in addition to other business ventures in sport, beauty agents, and even a short lived University named Trump University LLC.  He is a also a television personality appearing on 14 successful seasons of the US version of The Apprentice and and earned himself a star on the Hollywood walk of fame for his contribution to media and entertainment.

All in all Donald Trump has made it and achieved what many US citizens aspire to- 'The American Dream'. Being the successful business man and having earned his respect in the US for his business acumen in commercial and domestic real estate, Donald trump frequently made his views regarding US culture and politics known through television appearances and  interviews as well as expressing his opinions on social media platforms like Twitter. The outspoken businessman toyed with the idea of entering into US politics and becoming candidate for US President , but never formerly put in his bid in for any presidential races. However on 16th  June 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy to become US president and pledged to 'Make America Great Again' by focusing on issues such as immigration, jobs, healthcare reform, US Armed forces and the role of Islamic State.

News of his candidacy met with ridicule and criticism on whether the business magnet had what it takes make it in the white house, but so far Donald Trump has managed to gain support especially with his views on immigration which saw him promise to build a wall which keeps illegal immigrants out and a door within the wall to allow  the flow of legal immigrants into to the country. Working class Americans have also found hope in his promise to put America First by going back to old school trades such as mining, engineering, building  and shipping which  he believes will make the American Economy strong and powerful.

To date Trump has managed to raise £127 million dollars in campaign finance and despite democratic opponent  Hilary Clinton labeling his voters as 'deplorables', he seems to be gaining a lead in the polls to becoming president, as he currently 4 points ahead of Clinton's 42 points in Florida state and 15 points ahead in Utah with both candidates currently tied in the overall general election.

Further news reports emerging in relation to Clinton's current health condition, earlier this week, have only raised questions regarding her capability to run for US  President as she was diagnosed with Pneumonia following a televised tumble of her being escorted to her vehicle.

Trump expressed his well wishes for the democratic candidate stating he takes no satisfaction in hearing of Clinton's ill health. However he has previously commented on her ability to run for president throwing her  physical and mental strength and stamina ability into question.  Both candidates have kept details regarding their health condition fairly private, however  Trump has pledged to release details regarding his health following Clinton's health scare and told Fox news he thinks the results are going to be good as he feels 'great'.

Time will tell as the candidates battle it out for the White House to see who will in the race to become US President. However it seems Hilary Clinton's health woes have only served as further ammunition for Donald Trump to use in his bid for the presidential seat and as the election draws closer with the results becoming neck and neck, one is left to ponder will the United States of America actually vote Trump?


Sunday 4 September 2016

Vote Leave- Is Britain Better for Brexit?

It has been 75 days since 51.89% of the UK population voted to leave the European Union on 23rd June 2016 and approximately 57 days since David Cameron resigned as leader of the Conservative party and prime minister for the United Kingdom. Since then Theresa May formerly the UK home secretary, has been elected as the new leader of the Conservative Party and premier for the United Kingdom and arguably one of her greatest challenges since her appointment to Prime Minister is how she plans to pioneer what has been appropriately coined 'Brexit' for the UK.

News reports state that she has come under pressure to fulfill some of the original pledges made by the Vote Leave party such as awarding immigration on a points based system and pouring an extra £100 million pounds into the NHS. However when questioned about how she planned to deliver on these promises and lead Britain into leaving the EU she stated: "I'm going to work for what I just said I'm going to work for: the best possible deal for the UK in terms of the relationship that we would have with the EU, following us leaving."

Nonetheless many Brits, myself included, have been left pondering this statement and are left to question how exactly does Theresa May plan to deliver this plan and more importantly are we any better for leaving the European Union?

The beginning of this week saw Theresa May head to the G20 summit in China to discuss trade negotiations  and so far the news has not been favorable. President Obama advised although he will do his best to maintain the economic relationship between the US and UK he will prioritize trade negotiations with the EU and pacific nations over the UK, with Japan warning to move its firms situated in the UK to European headquarters.

Nonetheless we seemed to garner support from Australia with its prime minister Malcom Turner stating he was hoping to secure  a strong and open trade deal with the UK post the 'Brexit' era. However despite this offer of support, there are still many questions facing Theresa May and her conservative counterparts about how she plans to pioneer the move to Brexit with Brits becoming increasingly frustrated with the slogan 'Brexit means Brexit'.

This evening Theresa May left the G20 summit  in China which posed a number of challenges about how she plans to negotiate future trade deals for the UK. However as she returns to the UK, the questions regarding how we will move forward as a nation independent from the EU still remain.Whilst we wait to see what will unfold following the decision to leave the EU in the upcoming months, I'm left to wonder will the UK really be better for 'Brexit'?
